On July 21, a very important, to some extent historical, event took place for Stand of Heroes. A meeting of representatives of eighteen families of deceased fans with almost the entire team of the foundation and famous representatives of the Football family.
It was not a formal meeting for a public report or presentation, but rather a "round table" format, where representatives of various segments of our initiative were able to discuss both what has already been done and what can still be done for the main task of supporting hero families . But the fund's activities were not the central topic of the meeting either. The main thing is communication, where it was possible to share emotions, and there were many of them, to share difficult feelings with those who really understood the severity of losses. As one of the attendees said: - "It's scary to understand that everyone in this room has lost someone close to them, but the feeling that you are not alone in this grief gives you the strength not to give up and move on, to support each other." This is one of the main tasks of the foundation — to create mutual assistance within the Football family.
A very important part of the meeting was the time when Serhiy Rebrov joined us. The legend of Ukrainian football, and now the head coach of the national team of Ukraine, expressed his desire to meet with the families of the fallen defenders and took part in the discussion of the issues of the football family. He expressed his thanks and was actively involved in talking with the families. - "The Stand of Heroes initiative is very important. We must remember our heroes, talk about them as often as possible and support their families." We are very grateful to Serhii Stanislavovych not only for the systematic financial assistance, but also for the fact that he personally finds the words to support them.
After the report of the Stand of Heroes team about the achievements, current problems and the nearest plans of the foundation, the audience had the opportunity to watch a film about the history of the creation and activities of the charitable initiative, which will soon also appear on our pages.
The main theses and emphases are indicated in the film, and those present discussed them in the format of open communication. Particular attention was paid to the discussion of complex issues that we have to solve together in the near future. Unfortunately, the number of fans who died on the fronts of our liberation war is constantly increasing. Recently, the foundation's team received information about 19 fallen football fans from clubs representing different parts of Ukraine. In total, we know about 193 dead defender fans. So now the question of finding additional funding to support their families is pressing. At the same time, there is a certain dynamic in families receiving state aid (or its parts), which greatly facilitates the fund's task. However, the process of its registration is still long-term and at this time, in fact, families are left alone with their problems.
Summarizing this part of the conversation, the foundation team and family representatives discussed ways to solve financial issues, the importance of providing legal assistance (systemically and in individual difficult cases). Plans were also announced for future memorial events, such as filming, writing articles, and taking steps to organize plaques in honor of the fallen fans. They also reached an agreement on the need to hold regular meetings of the Football Family. Co-founder and head of the fund Tikhon Amosov, during his closing remarks, said: - "The activities of the fund are planned for years to come. The support will not end when all families receive state aid or on the day of victory in the war. In the future, we will hold memorial events, organize commemorative tournaments yati, shoot films and work to ensure that your relatives are always remembered."
The meeting was also attended by well-known sports journalists Roman Bebekh and Oleksandr Denisov, who systematically help in the process of building the community around the foundation, and put efforts into the organization of this event. We would like to note the contribution of Vlad Vakhilchuk, a football marketer who has been helping the foundation since the first days. His participation in the organization of the meeting was felt from the very beginning of the implementation of the idea. Separately, we would like to thank the animators from "Domino", who once again responded to our request and undertook to entertain the youngest members of the family, giving them unforgettable emotions. This time, the meeting took place in the "Bestia" pub, known among the capital's fans, to which we are grateful for its hospitality and support. We are pleasantly surprised by the fact that the institution has a clear position and shares the values of the Football family, giving us two halls for the event.
The event was attended by representatives of the families of football fans killed in the war:
Igor "Belaz" Beloshytskyi, Dmytro "Tyazh" Pyasetskyi, Maxim "Rugbist" Yalovtsov, Artem "Terror" Novikov, Eduard "Opasny" Kostrytsia, Oleg "Ryba" Rybalchenko, Ruslan "Oblomov" Kurulyak, Igor "Roz" Rozumnyak ("Dynamo ", Kyiv);
Vyacheslav "Syava" Matvienko, Roman "Sedoy" Kuzin ("Shakhtar", Donetsk);
Oleksandr "Journalist" Makhov, Ihor "Skhet" Solovyov ("Zorya", Luhansk);
Evgeny "Lys" Zalivatskyi ("Metalist", Kharkiv);
Svyatoslav "Sviat" Aleksapolsky ("Tavria", Simferopol);
Vitaly Nikandrov ("Arsenal", Bila Tserkva);
Oleksandr "Kazimir" Derevyanko ("Dnipro", Cherkasy);
Kyrylo "Pride" Marchenko ("Metalurg", Mariupol)
Andriy "Celt" Liniichuk ("Polyssia", Zhytomyr).
We are grateful to everyone who helped organize the event, or paid attention and listened to our ideas and plans. We are grateful to everyone present for finding the strength to be with us on this day. For being able to share their feelings, thoughts and support those who were close to them.
Те, як БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» обробляє ваші персональні дані, залежить від того, як ви використовуєте Вебсайт та взаємодієте з ним. Частина інформації надається безпосередньо вами, тоді як інша інформація обробляється за допомогою автоматизованих технологій.
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Типи даних, які обробляє БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ»:
БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» використовує персональні дані, отримані та оброблені з Вебсайту, для обробки пожертв, замовлень товарів або надання інформації та звітів.
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Вимога перевірки особи: БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» відповідно до законодавства зобов’язана перевірити, що будь-який поданий запит був надісланий особою із законним правом доступу до даних. Тому, перед наданням будь-якої інформації відповідно до запиту суб’єкта персональних даних на доступ до таких даних БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» може попросити вас надати БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» додаткову інформацію, щоб БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» підтвердила вашу особу та юридичні повноваження.
У певних випадках БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» може бути зобов’язане розкрити персональні дані у відповідь на законні запити державних органів, у тому числі з метою забезпечення національної безпеки або на запит правоохоронних органів. БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» залишає за собою право розкривати ваші персональні дані відповідно до Закону та коли БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» сумлінно вважає, що розкриття необхідне для захисту прав БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ» та/або з метою здійснення судового провадження, дотримання ухвали суду чи здійснення судового процесу ініційований стосовно БО «БФ «ТРИБУНА ГЕРОЇВ».
Усе його життя - це шлях справжнього воїна. Він боровся на ринзі, він боровся зі зброєю у руках ще у 2015 році. Коли тільки створили "Східний корпус", він писав заяви з іншими хлопцями, щоб їх відправили у Донецький аеропорт. Він вірно служив та захищав свою Батьківщину. Черговий раз, коли ворог вирішив, що зможе на нас напасти, Олександр очолив наш підрозділ, згуртував навколо себе молодих та досвідчених хлопців.
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